Dear Klaus,
Today was the day you were buried in Athens. Such a big part of me wishes that I could have been there today to so say a final goodbye. But I know you wouldn’t be happy to see your poor Sifu sobbing away like an old widow. It should be more like in the movies where the student comes to his Sifu’s funeral crying and screaming for revenge (like in Bruce Lee’s Chinese Connection, right?). The Sifu (kung –fu father) should not be the one saying goodbye to his son (todai). But what does that mean to say “goodbye”? There is certainly no way you will ever leave my heart - I feel have felt your influence in me more since you have passed on my friend. Perhaps your memory or spirit will haunt me for the rest of my days prodding me to be a sweeter gentler person trying my best to follow your tremendous example. I wouldn’t be upset if that were the case!
There can never be a final goodbye from me as you seemed to have left behind far too many reminders. I found another photo of you today, which made me quite happy. They feel like precious gold to me whenever I find a new one. Of course you gave me your great bicycle too. Only you Klaus could have been so generous, so considerate. You knew I would be moving into Manhattan and leaving the good old Audi back with the parents in CT. You wanted to make sure that I had “proper transportation” around the city when your numerous efforts to get me on a motorcycle failed ;-). Hey, I did sign up for the motorcycle course because of you! Unfortunately it was cancelled and never came to be for me. Then you tried to convince Kenan I should be on a motorbike. He told you that my body was my money and I couldn’t wreck it. You nodded only in half-agreement. Well Klaus I know you would love for me to get on a motorcycle and experience the thrill that brought you so much joy. You also know about my love for auto-sports and my penchant for taking my hobbies so seriously. You knew if you could just tip me in that direction I would be your greatest riding partner. But I hope you understand why I can’t, ever get on a motorcycle again as long as I live. If I ever see you again in some other life I won’t hesitate to hop on the back of your bike with you though. But those are my conditions – only with you my dear Klaus.
The bike you gave me still hangs on my wall. I haven’t ridden it this year yet but as soon as the weather gets better I’ll be riding it to the school again. I rode it a lot last year as you know making the commute from my apartment to the school in around 8 minutes. When I ride it for the first time this year it will be bittersweet. But thank you Klaus for giving me such a generous reminder of your incredible memory.
You were always so generous. How many times did I use your apartment while you were out of town before Evita and I secured our Manhattan apartment? You just gave me the keys and said “take the apartment”. Only you could be so kind and considerate…
I also wanted to let you know that you made it in Grandmaster Leung Ting’s biography! He put a group photo from one of the seminars and you are in it (the one above). Can you believe it Klaus? You left your mark everywhere! You are even in a Chinese kung fu book. And not just any book, the book is actually in Chinese! Only you man! In 38 years you made your mark, your legacy is everywhere in the incredible amounts of friends, stories and legends you made. Certainly in my heart you will always hold a special place.
I’m going to Berlin on Sunday to go see Kenan. It will be hard because he has the video we shot in your apartment last October of you singing and playing guitar. I know it will be tough for me to see because every time I see you on video it makes me miss you so much that I cry. Why do all the great ones have to leave us? I hope on day you can give me that answer my dear Klaus. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me right now.
Few people know this too, but I have been quite unable to sleep regularly since you passed away. I’ve gone from a solid eight hours a night to five broken hours if I’m lucky. Many nights I have managed just four hours. I hope now that you are in a final resting place, I can rest too. Maybe I was feeling sympathy pains for your lack of rest. Now that you are in your beautiful home country of Greece I hope you can find peace. You always wanted to take me to Greece and show me around and expose me to the great culture. Now I will have to go alone. If I see you in the afterlife Klaus I will give you a WingTsun lesson you will never forget for all the suffering you put me through! Making your poor Sifu lose sleep, are you crazy?
It’s late and I must try my best to sleep. I hope if you are there watching over me you will help me to do that.
As the sun as already set on your finally resting place in Athens, I bow to you Klaus, my Todai, three times as per Chinese custom. Not to say goodbye Klaus, but to say as the Chinese do “Joi Gin” – see you again.
Because I will see you again.
Don’t let your WingTsun get rusty,
1 comment:
So many of your comments echo my feelings as well. Thanks for this great letter Sifu.
Much Love,
Uncle Steve
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