Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Der Rockende
Friday, February 22, 2008
To Klaus from Merl
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Beerdigung in Athen - Funeral in Athens
Agias Loukas, 520 Leoforos
Irakleiou Neo Irakleio, Athen
Dies ist ein Vorort von Athen und etwa 12 km vom Zentrum. Fuer weitere Fragen und Details, bitte kontaktiert Klaus's Vater Hans Niedermeyer.
We would like to inform everyone of the exact date and location of Klaus's funeral, which will take place on March 5, 2008 at 11am in Athens.
The address is:
Agias Loukas, 520 Leoforos
Irakleiou Neo Irakleio, Athen
This is a suburb of Athens, located roughly 12km from the center of Athens. For further information, please contact Klaus's father, Hans Niedermeyer
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A passer-by
Past few days has been really tough for me because I've been suffering from the regrets that
I slipped away my own chances to get to know you better: chances that I would never have again in this life.
We had a genuine pure connection and we shared 'fantastic' vibe as you said: we could've explored it together more but we never did and there must be reason why we could not and did not.
I found out your tragic death in such a random way just as we met. I almost felt like you wanted to let me know somehow. I believe that we live only once as far as we remember but I also believe our souls and spirits exist although we don't see it in this physical world.
We will miss you so much and this is not even possible to put it in words but your soul is in peace and I'm sure wherever that is you'd be in a beautiful place...
I hope our souls will find each other again sometime in the future...til then, stay in peace.
Klaus über: "Zen und die Kunst ein Motorrad zu warten"
Letztendlich ist das Motorradfahren fuer mich mehr, als ein motorisierter Blechhaufen vermuten laesst, naemlich ein geistiger Zustand des Losgeloesten, der voelligen Freiheit. Es waren fuer mich in Zeiten einer Unterdrueckung die ersten Gehversuche einer nichtgeahnten Freiheit, die sich in jeder Fahrt wie ein warmes Gefuehl im Magen ausbreiten, immer noch.
Das Buch – es handelt eigentlich von der Suche nach Qualitaet. Gut, das Thema wird teilweise philosophiesch seziert und es gibt viele Kritiker, die die Grenzen dieses Buches aufzeigen, aber es hat mir Augen geoeffnet und mich bestaetigt, es hat mir Rueckhalt gegeben und mich zu meiner Diplomarbeit – „Der Begriff der Qualitaet in der Wirtschaft“ inspiriert.
Anyway, ich freue mich. Es ist lustig, weil ich hatte Georg das Buch geliehen, mein altes, abgegriffenes Exemplar mit Notizen und Kaffeflecken, das Buch was mich viele Reisen aufm Bock begleitet hatte und er hatte es in der Ubahn in New York, vor vielen Jahren, liegen gelassen. Es war ihm furchtbar peinlich, aber immerhin bin ich dem Buch jetzt naeher.
Monday, February 18, 2008
The first the moment you stepped on the Orchard Street roof, you brought your magic to our little world and to everyone you touched. Every conversation with you was a special event; your gestures, your concern, your enthusiasm for life and for anything that excited me or any of us.
You made everyone feel special, because everyone was special to you. You made everyone feel your passion for life, because it was how you lived your life. My thoughts and prayers have gone off in your direction quite often. Being in Mexico, it has not been easy to hear everything and be so far away.
So, here are some words to SummerKlaus, the friend that I made on the rooftop some summers ago. (For those of you who don't know, there were two Klauses, the SummerKlaus and the WinterKlaus. We would kid that the WinterKlaus would sometimes get dreary waiting for the break in the gray and then SummerKlaus would come and reeeesssccuuueee him gallantly and heroically, sweeping him away in the Spring!!!)
The Appearance of SummerKlaus
SummerKlaus appears one Orchard Street night
The Sal starry scene, films friends food
on rooftop he materializes with Jilly Enchant
Her drink, Vodka. His drink, pure pulp of life.
Jilly vowed for her Duane st elevator find
not that we are so picky.
but Jilly has found all sorts of things
in Duane st lift, both shiny and icky.
Klaus gleams into our odd little planet
eyes sparkling when talking captivating
smile larger than his mouth can hold
spirit grandiose splendiose generous
Luck struck us with Klaus
Good friend, dynamic man
Shared his euphoria
Elevated ours.
Many SummerKlauses and
and WinterKlauses later
will always smile thinking of Klaus
we love you Klaus
-Melly (Melissa to most)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Dearest Klaus (my euro-goofball friend, as you would say!)
I'm sure you would have been upset with me if I were not to celebrate
your extreme goofiness, which you held up like a badge of honor... yes,
we both saw this as one of those underrated qualities of charming
men... the coolness of goof!
I know you nagged me for years to make a video of you... it finally
happened on your last b-day... and you did not disappoint (who else would have had the fantastic idea to sing classic rock songs in German?)... the faces
you made when the mike screwed you up (see below - min 1:30) and the way you so bravely came back will etch you as my favorite goofball-rockstar of all time!
Wishing you were here
As if just by chance...
So, here it was, shortly after 09.11.01... In my heart I was lusting after the new Kawasaki ZRX-1200, to replace my beautiful ZR-1100 Zephyr. Being strapped for cash, I had borrowed some money from Cousin Paul to buy a nice used ZRX-1200 from another friend. I had come to the decision to sell the ZR-1100, since the two bikes were so similar (thought it broke my heart to do so). I placed a few half hearted ads, hoping to put off the sale a bit longer so I could enjoy having two great bikes in the garage. And then I received the call from Klaus. From the very first conversation, I knew that here was another fellow that LOVED motorcycles as much as I did. It's just one of those feelings you have when you meet someone... I am sure you have all felt it at some point (perhaps about music, a certain dish, almost anything really), the "click" of mutual understanding and shared experiences.
I explained to Klaus that I could meet him in Manhattan if he wanted, to show him the bike. We chatted some more, and then made arrangements to meet one night later in the week. Of course, Klaus could not contain himself or his excitement over the bike. He called me the very next day to see if I was free to come down. Understanding the urgency, I cancelled my plans after work and went down to 50th, between 1st and 2nd, where Anthony used to have his apartment, and where I spent quite a bit of time. I gave her a quick wipe down with Honda Spray Cleaner & Polish (which Klaus was delighted to discover), and she was gleaming. Klaus arrived as promised, just as it started to drizzle a light rain. This was also Anthony's first meeting with Klaus, as he arrived home from work while we chatted outside.
Sometimes, that "click" occurs twice... And you find yourself standing the the misty rain for nearly two hours discussing bikes, riding, and adventures with this amazing person you have just met. While he did not immediately commit to purchasing the ZR-1100 that evening, the next day Klaus called to ask me if I would be willing to negotiate on the price slightly, and then told me we had a deal. More discussions were had regarding the exchange (when, where, etc), and what he needed to do to transfer the ownership to his name, the insurance, the registration, etc. Here I am a little hazy, but I think he still had not gotten a NY license, and when he called the insurance company I believe they told him they required a NY license. This of course was an unforeseen wrench in the works for dear Klaus. So he hurriedly found a NY testing facility in Manhattan, and within two weeks or so, I think he had his license sorted out... The rest of the paper work would fall in to place shortly thereafter.
I believe we must have had a few days of nice weather, so Klaus and I arranged for a test ride. It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, and before Klaus arrived, I took my friend Sylvie on a ride around Westchester and into Greenwich. We stopped at a nice place that served crepes for lunch, and then headed home to my uncle's house to meet Klaus. I can't recall how he arrived there in Scarsdale really. On the way home though, Sylvie and I were rear-ended on the new ZRX-1200, at a stop sign in Greenwich, by a bozo in a bright red BMW. Luckily neither one of us were hurt, but the tail lights on the ZRX were smashed. The typical "I didn't see you" comment from the driver caused me to nearly strangle him through the window (drive through service). So, there was no way I could ride with Klaus until I had time to check out the bike and make sure it was safe. This caused him great concern, both for the bike and for the two of us.
This became the opportunity for Cousin Paul to meet Klaus... Paul came up from Manhattan (perhaps he was planning to already, I can't recall), and I sent the two of them off together for a ride (Paul on his BMW and Klaus in the ZR-1100). Of course, they had a great time, and it was the beginning of yet another great friendship for Klaus and my cousin. Paul and I together would show Klaus some of the great local roads north of Manhattan (in the years that followed), some of the roads that he really loved. Like Route 22 from the Kensico Dam up to 684. "Ahhh, did you see the bike as I went through those BEEENNNNNDDDDDSSSS, it was FANTASTIC!" These were big sweepers, good pavement, and lots of sight down the road. Perfect for the ZR-1100.
The actual day we made the exchange of the papers and money for the bike, Klaus and I sat down at a table outside (I wish I could remember where), and had a nice dinner together. Both of us staring at the lovely Zephyr, which he would later rename Princess Zephyria in his unique way. Klaus of course, had never had a bike here in NY, and did not know any of the nice roads or destinations, and was very concerned about finding places to ride. So I promised to take him on regular Sunday morning rides to Route 301 from Carmel to Cold Spring, or to the Wandering Moose Cafe in Cornwall Bridge CT, with Cousin Paul and other friends.
More stories to come...
I really can't express how frustrating this week has been for me. I so desperately wanted to be with all of you on Friday night, to pay homage and tribute to Klaus. Unfortunately, my company is participating in the biggest trade show/convention of the year, this weekend in Indianapolis, and my boss (though hoping to find a compromise) said that I really needed to be with them at the show (at least Thursday to Saturday). I don't think I have done a good enough job explaining to him how important Klaus was to me, and how little I cared to be at the show. One thing I cannot express is just how my perceptions of feelings has changed or shifted, and how little I felt like arguing with my boss. I think perhaps the lack of sleep has caught up to me. Perhaps if he had known Klaus a bit, he might have had more compassion. Anyhow, I hope that you will forgive me for not being there with you physically, but know that I was there in spirit.
I would like to organize a regular gathering for all of us. I know my cousin has said this as well. Klaus would revel in the ability to bring us together. So... Please email me ( and let me know your thoughts (places to go, times, dates, etc) and I will try to accommodate as many at the same time as possible. We might not all be able to get together each time, but that is ok. One thing that I think would be nice in the spring would be a picnic up on top of Bear Mt, where Klaus really loved to go for his rides. If someone else is already working on this, please let me know...
Also, this blog has grown and really looks great. The pictures and drawings are really nice (thanks for posting those for me Tanja). Lets make sure to share this with as many people as we can!
Ok, my love to you all...
Steve "The Uncle"
“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love.” - Sophocles
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Banquet Photo
Here is another picture to add to the blog. Please keep them coming, I've create a Klaus folder and have been saving them all.
I've been looking through my photos hoping to find a picture of Klaus and I together. Unfortunately I didn't have one until today when a friend sent this to me. This is at a Banquet that was held for our Martial Arts School. It is a great picture that speaks volumes.
Klaus once told me that when he was looking for a Wing Tsun school he narrowed the choices down to two and the reason he chose ours was we were more like a family. Klaus was right we are a family and Klaus was a very big part of that family.
Klaus, I will always be grateful for having you in my life.
You are my brother and my friend.
You will be missed but you will never be forgotten!
Master Paul
1. Be impeccable with your word
2. Don’t take anything personally
3. Don’t make assumptions
4. Always do your best
I asked who wrote this and someone said Klaus.
It was then that I realized that Klaus was on the great quest for freedom, true happiness and love.
Now flipping through this book I was struck by this paragraph…
“What the angel of death can teach us is how to truly be alive. Use every moment to be happy, to do what we really enjoy doing. Let’s enjoy life, let’s be alive. We can begin each day by saying, “I am awake, I see the sun. I am going to give my gratitude to the sun and to everything and everyone, because I am still alive. One more day to be myself. That is the way I see life, that is what the angel of death taught me – to be completely open, to know that there is nothing to be afraid of. And of course to treat the people I love with love because this may be the last day that I can tell you how much I love you.”
Klaus was one of the ones that “gets it”. He appreciated life by savoring experience and always made everyone he met feel very special and loved.
May peace be with you Klaus.
Klaus in Norwalk, CT
I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and days before that too.
I think of you in silence I often speak your name
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake with which I'll never part
God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart.
Olga and Manfred Richter (Si-Fu Alex' parents)
A la memoire du Baron de Zone Rouge
Le Chevalier
Dear Klaus,
Part of me understood the tragic news I heard this week. But most of me refused to acknowledge it. How could this be real? My memories of you are still so sharp and vivid in my mind. Your infectious smile and laugh, your boundless energy and enthusiasm for life, and your genuine care and concern for friends. I can still hear your voice so clearly.
I am so very sorry I was not able to make it to your memorial service today, as I am out in California. It only reinforces the pain I feel on other missed opportunities for hanging out with you. We still haven't had the chance to get together, for you to show me things on the guitar, and for me to show you things in WingTsun.
I was looking through old emails we exchanged and a passage you wrote stood out:
"the enlightment was like a flash, I was training with Paul and suddenly I was not in my body, for a split second, dejavus like, understanding a lot more just intuitively. Hard to say in words actually."
I feel an out of body experience as well, about this reality which I do not want to accept. It likewise is hard to describe in words, and I am very incapable of understanding it intuitively. But even after leaving us, you have helped me with the first WingTsun principal of moving forward. I imagine what you would do in this situation--you would certainly do your best to raise the spirits of those around you while cherishing the memories of what has been lost. So with bittersweet emotions, I allow myself to be swayed by the thoughts of your positive energy and charming voice, urging me to accept what has passed and that things will be okay. I will do my best to oblige, dear friend, but I cannot make a promise of it.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Mister 110 %
Mein lieber lieber Klausn!
Ich bin immer noch geschockt und es erscheint so unwirklich, daß ich Dein "JJJJJÖÖÖÖÖÖÖAAAAARRRG"
nie mehr hören werde, mit dem Du mich immer begrüßtest, wenn wir uns trafen. Ich denke an wundervolle Jahre in Wien (1993/1994) und später wieder in Hamburg (ab 2000) zurück, in denen wir ganze Nächte geblödelt, fantasiert und die Welt analysiert haben. Du hast mich für Motorradfahren und speziell dein Motorrad ("Rebecca") begeistert und ich bin als Sozius mit Dir durch Wiens und Hamburgs Nächte gebraust. Deine Geschichten waren legendär (zB. Armeedienst mit Hocker), was haben wir gelacht und unter den Tischen gelegen. Überhaupt werde ich Dein Lachen nie vergessen, das so herzhaft und laut, jeden mitzog.
Ein, Dein Markenzeichen war das absolute, uneingeschränkte Engagement für eine Sache, eine Person. Das ließ einen in dem Moment großartig fühlen, wie Superman. Du hast anderen immer viel gegeben; manchmal zuviel?
Als einer Deiner älteren, längeren Freunde habe ich natürlich auch den anderen Klaus erlebt, den melancholischen, der sich manchmal etwas mehr von der Welt zurückzubekommen gewünscht hätte.
New York war bestimmt eine sehr glückliche Zeit für Dich, zumindest hoffe ich es. Leider haben wir uns seit Deinem Umzug dorthin kaum noch gesehen. Wir hatten 2 kleine Kinder bekommen und beruflich war ich mit Praxisgründung sehr eingespannt.
Kurz vor Deinem Unfall haben wir noch gesprochen und uns für den Sommer in New York verabredet. Ich hatte mit schon einen Termin überlegt und wollte ihn mit Dir absprechen. Auf meine email konntest Du leider nicht mehr antworten...
Mich tröstet, daß Du in einem glücklichen Moment gestorben bist, auf Deinem Motorrad.
Dein Jörg (den Du immer "Mister 110%" genannt hast, Du Mann der Namen)
PS: the photo shows Klaus with our first son, Fabian, shortly after his birth (9/2001)
Mein Liebster Spaziergant / My Favorite Walk
Smiley Faces on Chocolate Cakes
I only knew you for a few weeks, but you made a tremendous impression.
As the “new guy” in the office, you made me feel welcomed immediately, and extended your friendship.
When I told you my wife and I live in Chappaqua you spoke of the joy you found riding the back roads of Westchester on your bike.
You asked me if I played guitar, and after finding out I did you told me that I “had to come” to your birthday party, and that you “make everyone listen to you play”. You invited me to stay for one hour, once a week to jam in the office. You only knew me a few days.
You startled me, and then had me laughing hysterically when you and Michael decided to take this snap shot on the balcony outside of our office. I’m happy I decided to take this shot with my phone, and now I can share this with your friends and family.
When we went to lunch you showed us your love of life by getting as excited as a little boy about your chocolate cake at Cipriani’s. As they were serving dessert you made us all laugh to see that you had actually carved a smiley face in your cake before you ate it. You were laughing and joking and saying you and Michael are “Hans and Frans”
Klaus, you obviously savored life the way you savored that cake. You were breath of fresh air, a beam of light. I only knew you a few weeks, but I’m a better person for having known you.
Rest in peace.
Chris Dessi
From Meghan
Dear Tanja,
I am a friend and fellow Axel Springer New York co-worker of Klaus.
I worked with him for a year and a half and have been his friend for 4 years.
He too had a nickname for me "Mein Meg" I will miss him so incredibly much.
He was full of so much Sonnenschein" and was like a cup of espresso. So full of good energy and he gave me and everyone else such a burst of life with his life. I loved listening to his stories and know that his life will stay with me wherever i go.
For my 30th birthday in 2005, Klaus came to my party in Brooklyn with his guitar and performed live. He sang Greek songs, all american songs, german songs and also composed his own song called "MEG."
I wish i would have recorded his songs that night and could play them over and over again. Klaus left an impression with everyone who was at the party. Everyone wanted to know "How do you know Klaus? Who is this wonderful man?" He was a ray of light.
I have attached a picture of him playing his guitar that night.
I am in berlin right now and won't be able to be with friends and family tonight. I return to ny on monday. But know that i wish i could be with everyone right now.
I would love to meet up at Klaus's favorite restaurant VIA DELLA PACE when i return to ny to meet with klaus's friends.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liebe Tanja,
here is one more picture of Klaus with his brother who he loved so much. I was lucky to see Klaus and his brother together at the water taxi beach at one of Klaus's favorite spots in the city: Long Island City.
Klaus loved summer in the city and especially loved having his brother in city.
Your Old Bike
I'm back from court, I won the bullshit ticket. The cop was actually there, but miraculously, he could not find the record of my case so it was tossed. I felt you had a hand in this. Thanks for watching out for me.
Here, I found a picture you sent me of your last bike, that would be before the Big Fish, and the message that came with it. I have to say, never really understood your recent choices of bikes:)
Dated: Fri, Dec 23, 2005 at 1:28 PM
Dear JC,
I was just about to leave, and to switch off the PC when your msg came in.
Thank you soo much. I wish you a great holiday too. Nice card, nice bike. I treated myself with another bike. $5000, 2 years old, 1500miles. Have alook, its a beast!
So, I’m leaving now.
Happy holiday,
I have dreamed of you every night this past week. Last night I dreamed that I was riding behind you on my old Kawasaki Zephyr, that we were coming around the bend at 34th and were able to stop in time, the cab just scraped the side of your Big Fish a bit, nothing serious. We then kept riding, up to the mountains, breathing in the fresh air and leaning into all those lovely curves as we made our way up to Bear Mountain, where you always loved to go. When we finally arrived, looking out at the expanse, sitting under the trees "just to chill a bit", I looked at my watch and realized that it was 5pm. I told you that I was late to meet your brother Michael whom I'm supposed to meet at 4pm today. You said not to worry, he wouldn't mind me being a little late. After another hour with you, lingering, taking pictures and listening to you talk about the other bikes, dreaming and looking up at the sky, I said I had to go. I told you that you were marvelous. Then I said goodbye as the sun disappeared, and I made my way back down the mountain alone.
1. Klaus and Mr. Wilson
2. Klaus concentrating on his next move in our chess game at Via Della Pace.
Note from Claudio in Denmark
Wish You Were Here
I was at a dinner gathering last night when I overheard somebody mentioning a motorcycle accident. The more I heared about the rider the more I had this stinking suspicion. I asked if he knew the rider's name, and he said it was you. It was such a shock that I did not really believe it. I just got a new phone so I did not have your number with me, I went home and called you, I wish you would pick up, and I heard your voicemail, I left you a message, I wished it was a mix up and you would call me back right away like the time when I emailed you to tell you I just got another ticket (it's funny, I'm actually going to court for that ticket this afternoon)... I called your office this morning, and it was true, and it was you...
It does not make sense, you are one of the best riders I know. You don't know how many times I wished I could ride like you do. Last night on my way home, I took FDR, on 14th st. heading north, I took the right hand lane like you always do. Actually, every time I pass that section I have this image of following you through that corner and watching in awe how much you were leaned over and how beautifully it's done...
Thanks to Gmail, I was able to dig up a few email correspondences we had over the years, they seem like yesterday... within them, email about your last birthday party, another moment that is tattooed in my mind: I showed up late as always, everybody else has already left, I brought a few friends so there're the five of us. You sat down and started playing a few songs. It was so nice, I was amazed at how talented you are. We sat there listened, we joined in on a few songs, we even danced (well, you were playing, me and the girls danced)... it was one of the best show I have ever been to. And I think you played Wish You Were Here. And I wish you were still here with us now...
Klausy, gonna miss u bro
We miss you...
Ken misses you. The children miss you. We all miss you.
It helps a little to imagine that you now find yourself in a fantastic place, taking part in all the things you were passionate about in life, and as always, surrounded by friends. But you left us too soon dear Klaus...
Lots of hugs from the Vukels
Kenji, Lady Vukel, Lady Karina, Lady Alina and the Prince of 49th Street
Thursday, February 14, 2008
from lauren
Klaus popped in and out of my life in my last two years in New York, and though we spent precious little time together, his friendship affected me deeply. Just the thought of his hello at the door would make me smile. I hear his voice so clearly in my head … and I pray it remains that way so as to keep his memory close. I wish I could be there with all of you to grieve his loss, this hurts so much. Thanks to those who put together this wonderful blog.
Email from Vaia
Big Fish
Last winter Klaus showed me a drawing he did of his new motorbike. I liked it so much I asked if I can have it. I got a scan of it. Original he kept by his desk at work. I have been thinking about it for the past few days, and I searched all my boxes twice trying to find it.
Since I could not find it, I remembered that he had it up on the wall in his office and I asked Bonnie to look for it today at the office. Thank you Bonnie for sending it. I will keep it and look at it all the time and remember how excited he was when he shared it with me.
Jelena aka Mean Fairy
From Michael Monheim, an incredible man - Memorial Service for Klaus, 7pm February 15, at St. Jean Baptist Church
in memory of our dear friend Klaus Niedermeyer, there will be a memorial service tomorrow, February 15, 2008 at 7pm. The memorial service will be held at St. Jean Baptist Church, located at 184 E 76th Street at Lexington Avenue. Both parents, his brother, his girlfriend and many of his friends will be in attendence. Please join us in a tribute to Klaus's memory.
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who you think would also like to join the ceremony and is unfortunately not included in this list.
For those who did not hear the tragic news, Klaus passed away on February 12th at 11:30 pm. Two Sundays ago he was involved in a motorcycle accident that left him in a coma. He passed away quietly due to his many injuries.
His family and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Last email from my beloved student Klaus…
I posted this on my blog at I thought some of you might like to read it, especially Klaus' email. As most of you can probably tell, it was a very typical email from Klaus. I tried calling him the Sunday morning of his accident, leaving him a voicemail that we should maybe go out and eat.
It is with such a heavy heart and such incredible sadness that I have to deal with the loss of my dear friend, student and brother, Klaus Niedermeyer. Klaus left us last Tuesday, the 12th of February after more than a week of being in a coma as the result of a motorcycle accident.
I was planning on writing the follow-up to my last blog article, but it seems impossible for me to concentrate on anything else while dealing with this incredible loss in my life. For everyone who knew Klaus, it went without saying that a man of his caliber in every aspect of his character was so rare. Klaus had the ability to make everyone feel loved and special, and not just in the trite way that most people mean when they write of someone’s passing, but truly. Klaus made everyone feel incredible. Or as Klaus would always enthusiastically say, “fantastic!”
I will be writing a more complete posting about Klaus when I can muster the strength to not cry every five minutes just thinking about him. For now I want to share the last email I received from him exactly two weeks before he passed:
From Klaus Niedermeyer
To City WingTsun
Date Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 5:29 PM
Subject FW: some inspiring video for you...
Mein Lieber Sifu,
Bin wieder zurueck aus Greece/Nevada/California/NYC/Germany, uff, dat
war ja was.
Hoffe dir gehts gut. Ich werde anfangen, dieses Wochenende zu chillen,
vielleicht treffen wir uns auf ein Fruehstueck?
Bis dahin moechte ich dir dieses BMW video nicht vorenthalten :))))
Bis bald mein Lieber Alex
My Dear Sifu
I’m finally back from Greece/Nevada/California/NYC/Germany, oh, that was quite something.
I hope you are doing well. I will finally start to chill this weekend, maybe we could meet over breakfast?
Until then I would like to not keep this BMW video away from you :))))
See you soon my dear Alex
Dear Klaus - you owe me breakfast...
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tonight at 7pm
It is with much sadness and pain that I write to tell you all that dear Klaus has passed away. Please know that Klaus left us last night peacefully and quietly, surrounded by his family and friends. He will be missed for his enormous personality and charisma, his passion and his love. Klaus was a beautiful man, in every sense of the phrase. He took great interest in life, enjoyed every moment, and made us all feel loved and cared for. In our hearts and souls we now must carry all of these memories, as a testament to his great being. His deep laughter, incredible stories of passion filled living, the little names he gave us, the music to fill the night air, will be the best memories to continue sharing. The tremendous pain we all feel is directly related to the tremendous love that Klaus shared with us.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." - Emerson.
Your generous smile and amazing laugh will be in my heart for a long time to come. I am a better person for having known you, and I regret the time spent apart. I know that you will live the next life with the same passion and excitement as you have this one. Even now, in my mind's eye I can see you ahead of me, a poetry of motion captured for an instant as you lean towards the sun, smooth and fluid like an arrow in flight. Godspeed Klaus.
Steve "The Uncle"
Amor vincit omnia...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Für jemanden der tief in meinem Herzen eine Spur hinterlassen hat.
ich finde nicht die richtigen worte um meine gefühle auszudrücken, die ich im moment der nachricht empfand. Klaus du bist einer der energievollsten, liebsten, aufregendsten Menschen die ich je in meinem Leben getroffen habe. Und glaube mir, ich habe schon sehr sehr viele Menschen getroffen in meinem Leben. Als mein bruder alex dich mir in der New Yorker Wing Tsun Schule vorstellte, war mir von anfang an klar, das wir ein band der Freundschaft für das ganze Leben haben werden. Ein Leben Klaus, die noch viele viele Jahre dauern soll . Ich kann und will es nicht akzeptieren dich nie wieder brüderlich in meinen Armen zu halten zu können. Mit dir die Nächte um die Ohren zu schlagen und die gemeinsamkeiten unserer beider Wurzeln, die grieschiche und türkische, heraus zu filtern. sei es musik , essen, saz und baglama, dolma und was es alles so gibt. ich war noch im oktober bei dir. und wie immer war es soooooooo lustig aber auch sehr ernst, wenn wir über das Leben philosophierten. Du musst aufstehen Klaus, du musst kämpfen. Klaus du bist ganz Tief in meinem Herzen. Ich bete jede Nacht zu Gott dass du gesund wirst. Du musst!!!
Seni cok seven Kardesin
Kenan (Berlin)
From Neda
Monday, February 11, 2008
In Our Prayers...
We are praying for you. Please pull through! Only you can fulfill the true meaning of FANTASTIC. So few do we meet with such a heart of gold, a happy spirit and a good soul as you.
Lots of Love,
Fabian and Mary
Sunday, February 10, 2008
My student and friend Klaus
We would often go out and have discussions about the kind of things that men discussed - women, vehicles and martial arts of course. Whenever the discussion turned to martial arts philosophy, I found Klaus hanging on my every word, really taking to heart the things I was telling him. Whenever he would tell his amazing tales of travel or music or whatever, I be hanging on his every word, as if I was trying to live vicariously through him. Who else could tell such amazing tales like his short stint in the Austrian army, singing a revenge song on stage in front of an ex-girlfriend or simply finding a use for his newly coined word "ridiculation"? Klaus captured my attention in a way few ever could. He seemed to admire my devotion to my craft as much as I admired his social mastery and carefree way. But it was funny, I know Klaus felt that I was some sort of superman - but if he only knew how devastated I was this week he would see I am no superman. I never took any news harder than I did of Klaus' accident. I never cried this much since the death of my dear aunt, who was like a mother to me.
So all I can say is "Klaus, get better for you poor Si-fu!" I can't take much more of this drama! It's time for you to get better so we can continue making fun of germans in German again. Who else understands why saying "Schnauze" or "Danke Schitt" is so damn funny? Who else is going to laugh so hard like the night with Kenan in your apartment watching YouTube videos?
I feel blessed to have you in my life Klaus. I'm only superman to you...
Si-fu (Alex Richter)
Klaus vs Bruce
Saturday Status
Preassure in his head (ICP) is down to normal, and doctors are feeling positive that it wont go up.
On my mind...
Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive. There is no cost, but a lot of rewards.
Prayers from Florida...
From another one who loves the ride...
All my Best Wishes,
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
- Klaus went into surgery to close the belly at 2
- On Monday he will go into operation for his pelvis
- His internal bleeding has stopped
- He had temperature yesterday but it is dropping now
- Alex, his girlfriend, is with him
- His mother and father have arrived
- His brother is coming on Friday
- And of course, the team of friends continue to block hallways
From Natalia
My heart truly goes out to you and klaus and his family. I only hope for the best and have faith that things will be ok.
Ash Wednesday (taken from the little pamphlet I received today):
The ashes of Ash Wednesday not only describe our humanity, more emphatically, they are a proclamation of hope, reconciliation and peace.
Today I wear my black smudged cross for Klaus and his family so that it can bring them the hope and peace they need to get through this.
Sorry for the long email as well. I just feel that this was something special that I experienced and wanted to share with you.
From Matt
Hey man,
Sorry to hear about your friend. Bellvue is actually
not too bad a hospital- just ugly and old. The docs
that work there should be pretty good since they're
all NYU peeps.
From Adam
his strength, all will turn out fine. He is blessed to have friends like you
in his life.
From the Mean Fairy. about today, 7th
I want to share a positive thought for today.
I don't know if you heard me talking about a guy that I have met a year ago who was in a terrible motorcycle accident few years ago. His situation was so bad that the chances were so slim that he will live. He was in a coma for a year and had bad head injuries. He is alive today and happy somewhere in Italy. I have been thinking about him this whole time...because for me he is symbol of hope... hope that our Klaus will have the same story to tell. Today in the subway I realized that this Miro's birthday is today. 7th. What a coincidence. I can only see hope and recovery for Klaus :)