Thursday, February 7, 2008

From Natalia

Sometimes life has a funny way of doing things, and although I am not a 'practicing' Catholic, something nudged me take a lunch break (i never do) and to go to St. Patrick's for mass and ashes since today is Ash Wednesday. It's sometimes a little embarrassing to walk around the whole day with a black smudge on your forehead, but I decided to do it anyways. As I waited in line (a line that stretched outside to almost the whole block) I got your message. I haven't gone to church in a loong while. Turns out, the day I decide to go back, I find a friend in need of prayers and positive energy. A family and loved ones in need of faith and hope....I stayed a little while after I got my ashes and prayed for Klaus and his family. And for you, my friend. Because in life, we need those of us who have some kind of faith to pray for others that may be in need or just to make sure that they are always safe and well.

My heart truly goes out to you and klaus and his family. I only hope for the best and have faith that things will be ok.

Ash Wednesday (taken from the little pamphlet I received today):

The ashes of Ash Wednesday not only describe our humanity, more emphatically, they are a proclamation of hope, reconciliation and peace.

Today I wear my black smudged cross for Klaus and his family so that it can bring them the hope and peace they need to get through this.

Sorry for the long email as well. I just feel that this was something special that I experienced and wanted to share with you.


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