Friday, February 15, 2008


Dear Klaus...

I have dreamed of you every night this past week. Last night I dreamed that I was riding behind you on my old Kawasaki Zephyr, that we were coming around the bend at 34th and were able to stop in time, the cab just scraped the side of your Big Fish a bit, nothing serious. We then kept riding, up to the mountains, breathing in the fresh air and leaning into all those lovely curves as we made our way up to Bear Mountain, where you always loved to go. When we finally arrived, looking out at the expanse, sitting under the trees "just to chill a bit", I looked at my watch and realized that it was 5pm. I told you that I was late to meet your brother Michael whom I'm supposed to meet at 4pm today. You said not to worry, he wouldn't mind me being a little late. After another hour with you, lingering, taking pictures and listening to you talk about the other bikes, dreaming and looking up at the sky, I said I had to go. I told you that you were marvelous. Then I said goodbye as the sun disappeared, and I made my way back down the mountain alone.


1. Klaus and Mr. Wilson
2. Klaus concentrating on his next move in our chess game at Via Della Pace.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Aileen,

thanks for sharing your dream with us... I know Klaus is in your every thought right now.

talk to you soon!
