Monday, February 18, 2008



The first the moment you stepped on the Orchard Street roof, you brought your magic to our little world and to everyone you touched. Every conversation with you was a special event; your gestures, your concern, your enthusiasm for life and for anything that excited me or any of us.

You made everyone feel special, because everyone was special to you. You made everyone feel your passion for life, because it was how you lived your life. My thoughts and prayers have gone off in your direction quite often. Being in Mexico, it has not been easy to hear everything and be so far away.

So, here are some words to SummerKlaus, the friend that I made on the rooftop some summers ago. (For those of you who don't know, there were two Klauses, the SummerKlaus and the WinterKlaus. We would kid that the WinterKlaus would sometimes get dreary waiting for the break in the gray and then SummerKlaus would come and reeeesssccuuueee him gallantly and heroically, sweeping him away in the Spring!!!)

The Appearance of SummerKlaus

SummerKlaus appears one Orchard Street night
The Sal starry scene, films friends food
on rooftop he materializes with Jilly Enchant
Her drink, Vodka. His drink, pure pulp of life.

Jilly vowed for her Duane st elevator find
not that we are so picky.
but Jilly has found all sorts of things
in Duane st lift, both shiny and icky.

Klaus gleams into our odd little planet
eyes sparkling when talking captivating
smile larger than his mouth can hold
spirit grandiose splendiose generous

Luck struck us with Klaus
Good friend, dynamic man
Shared his euphoria
Elevated ours.

Many SummerKlauses and
and WinterKlauses later
will always smile thinking of Klaus

we love you Klaus
-Melly (Melissa to most)

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